
Season's Greetings & Best Wishes from Morgan Sound

Special Holiday Hours for Winter Season 2022 / 2023

Holiday schedule


Happy Holidays!!

The staff at Morgan Sound wishes you and yours a very Merry and Safe Holiday Season, and all the Best Wishes for the coming year.

In order to better serve our clients and provide our staff the opportunity to enjoy festivities and family, our shop will be closed on the following days:

Fri 12/23/2022 - Mon 12/26/2022


Tue 12/27/2022 - Thu 12/29/2022

9 am - 6 pm

Fri 12/30/2022 - Mon 1/2/2023


We will resume our Normal Operating Hours 9 am - 6 pm on Tue. Jan 2nd.

Thank You for choosing Morgan Sound, Inc for your Audio, Visual and Integration needs. We look forward to seeing you next year!!